Faculty Scholarship & Research Interests

The breadth of our faculty’s scholarship and research interests throughout Touro College reflects the wide range of our degree and disciplinary offerings, which historically were spread across the traditional arts & sciences (including specific areas of concentration in Jewish studies), the fields of business, education, health sciences, social work, and technology, and professional studies in law, osteopathic medicine, and pharmacy.

To explore expertise across our entire faculty, there are two vehicles to access such information:

Faculty Publications Database

The most powerful of those tools—and the one we urge you to use for the most detailed and accurate information—is our Library’s Faculty Publication Database. The database includes publications by our faculty at Touro College and the Western Division (Touro University California and Touro University Nevada), with the greater depth of coverage focused on publications from 2009 onward. Publications by New York Medical College faculty are integrated into the database from 2013 onward.

There are several search options for obtaining listings of relevant publications in areas of interest to you, which will allow you to identify faculty author scholarship and research foci. Most beneficial towards that goal, however, would be to use two main search functions under the “By Publication” header option:

  • "Subject Headings" provides a dropdown menu of disciplines.
  • For a more targeted search, you can use the “Keywords” search box and enter specific keywords. 

When the overall listing of publications under your search criteria is generated, you will find the Touro faculty author’s name highlighted in each of the publications:

  • If you click on the underlined name, you will generate a listing of all of the faculty member’s publications.
  • In the upper-right hand corner of that list, the faculty member’s email address appears.
  • If you click on that address, you will be brought automatically into an Outlook email message that is set up to facilitate contacting the faculty member and commencing your dialogue with her or him.

Communications Office List of Faculty Experts

Our Office of Communications also has developed a useful reference tool of faculty expertise that is used to help respond to outside queries. This is a more general tool than the publications database.

Of course, you are welcome to browse our individual school websites, many of which have individual faculty profiles.  By combining those profile reviews with information you uncover via the two pathways described above, you will achieve the most comprehensive information about current scholarly and research interest of our faculty.  The listing of our schools and links to their sites can be found under the Schools & Colleges header on the Touro homepage.